Every business is unique and has different requirements depending on the size of the business, which means your business may also have different requirements. Most of the owners are not sure what to expect from an enterprise CMS. So, below we are going to list some of the important features that you can expect from an enterprise-level business.  

Headless Content Management System (CMS)

When it comes to increasing the reason for content, it’s important to understand that the potential user can access the content from any channel. That is the reason why enterprise-level businesses should have a CMS that supports omnichannel digital experience on various devices. 

A Headless content management system (CMS) allows website owners to put their website content or blog posts or other information in the database, then it is displayed on the range of applications depending on their screen size and also via Restful API. 

Today every enterprise-level business needs a headless CMS which can store content and allows the marketing team to distribute the content on whichever platform or devices or channels the potential audience demands.   

Now you may wonder whether wordpress support headless or not?

Yes, wordpress offers REST APIs which can be extracted and applied from external databases. But you will lose access to themes, plugins, and other presentation features which are considered the main and core aspect of a wordpress website. So, from the above results, we can say that wordpress is not the ideal platform when it comes to offering an optimized omnichannel digital experience to customers. 

Enterprise Level CMS Offering Multi-Site Management Features 

Most of the enterprise-level businesses operate with multiple websites and businesses in different countries, regions, product lines, and more. That’s why it’s important to have a CMS which can offer easy administration and multi-site management facilities. An enterprise-level CMS should offer a simple and powerful admin tool using which business could handle multiple tasks. 

Read More: WordPress For Enterprise: Can Wordpress Be A CMS Solution For Enterprise Business?

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